Velvet Innovation

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Where and when?

Date & Time

April 21st 2022 / 20:00


Hotel Passage, Brno

How to get there

Date & Time April 21st 2022 / 20:00 Place Hotel Passage, Brno How to get there Curabitur leo justo, mollis non erat non, aliquet pellentesque dolor. Nam eu felis erat. Duis non enim id diam ornare sodales. In rhoncus, tortor non bibendum rutrum, tellus leo tincidunt enim, facilisis ullamcorper ipsum mauris a est. Etiam et cursus dolor. Vivamus accumsan ornare orci eu molestie.

H1 Headline

H2 Headline

H3 Headline

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H5 Headline

Perex Work Sans Light. Mi at ultrices cursus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; In ac auctor felis. Quisque id auctor nulla, sed lobortis ipsum. Pellentesque erat orci, finibus nec odio vel, malesuada euismod turpis. Sed id sem lorem. 

Text Work Sans Light. Mi at ultrices cursus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; In ac auctor felis. Quisque id auctor nulla, sed lobortis ipsum. Pellentesque erat orci, finibus nec odio vel, malesuada euismod turpis. Sed id sem lorem. 


  • Duis varius, dui eu bibendum lacinia.
  • Mi at ultrices cursus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; In ac auctor felis. 
  • Quisque id auctor nulla, sed lobortis ipsum. Pellentesque erat orci, finibus nec odio vel, malesuada euismod turpis. Sed id sem lorem. 
  • Quisque consequat leo at mattis placerat. Pellentesque tincidunt magna nulla, non pellentesque mi viverra ac.


  1. Duis varius, dui eu bibendum lacinia.
  2. Mi at ultrices cursus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; In ac auctor felis. 
  3. Quisque id auctor nulla, sed lobortis ipsum. Pellentesque erat orci, finibus nec odio vel, malesuada euismod turpis. Sed id sem lorem. 
  4. Quisque consequat leo at mattis placerat. Pellentesque tincidunt magna nulla, non pellentesque mi viverra ac.
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Startup showcase application form

Name and Surname*

Mobile Phone Number*


Have you already established a company?*

Your website or other form of online presence*

Project info

Please describe your product/project – what is it about?*

What need/problem does it solve?

Who is your potential/current customer?*

Who is the product intended for?

What makes your product unique on the market?

What is the innovation that you bring to the table compared to your competitors?

Core team of the project*

Names, roles

How long have you been working on the project?*

What phase is your project currently at?*

Is it only an idea, are you working on a prototype, have you delivered an MVP, or do you have paying customers - if so, when have you launched the product on the market?

Link to your video pitch in English*

60-120 seconds, FullHD, uploaded to YouTube or similar, no password