We are JIC, zájmové sdružení právnických osob, with registered office at Purkyňova 649/127, Medlánky, 612 00 Brno, IČO: 71180478. We may process your personal data as a so-called data controller if you have visited our website on your own behalf or as a representative of a legal entity, if you have registered for our Velvet Innovation conference or one of our Velvet Innovation meetups, if you want to host the next Velvet Innovation meetup, or if you cooperate with us in other way. 

Here you will find, which of your personal data we use, why we need your personal data, what entitles us to do so and for how long we keep your personal data. You can also find out who can access your personal data, what your rights are and how you can exercise them. 


We may process your personal data in different ways. However, you may only be interested in something specific. 

What exactly do you want to know? 


We process different categories of your personal data for different purposes. The specific scope of this data depends on what we use the data for. Specifically, we process the following categories of data: 

  • identification data (e.g., name, date of birth, surname, company identification number, company information); 

  • address details (e.g., home address, registered office, delivery address, billing address); 

  • contact details (e.g., email address, phone number); 

  • professional data (e.g., which company you work for, whether you are an employee, director or other representative); 

  • login details (e.g., email address and password); 

  • identification data of your device (IP address); 

  • information about behaviour on the site (e.g., number of visits to the site, how the site is used); 

  • information about the contract and its performance (e.g., information about the service ordered – for example the conference you will attend); 

  • payment details (e.g., debit card number, bank account number); 

  • information about the business (e.g., subject of business, range of customers, business plan); 

  • project information (e. g. name of the project, description of the project); 

  • order and event history (e.g., what events have you attended); 

  • information about your satisfaction with the service (via satisfaction questionnaire, if used); 

  • information about the of use of the service (e.g., how many events you have looked at); 

  • photographs or video footage (e.g., photos or videos of you´ve taken during the events); 

  • CCTV footage (footage from a camera placed on our premises where you are recognisable); 

  • content of your communication with us (e.g., when you write to us with a query). 


Visiting and the use of cookies 

We use cookies and similar trackers. When you visit our website, we may place cookies on your device to learn some information
about your behaviour on the site. You can find information about cookies in Cookie Policy.  

How we specifically process your personal data when using cookies? 

What do we need personal data for? 

What categories of personal data do we process? 

What entitles us to process personal data? 

How long do we store your personal data? 

For the functioning of the website (essential cookies) 

information about behaviour on the site, identification data of your device 

Legitimate interest in the operation of our website 

According to the technical settings of cookies (discussed in Cookie Policy) 

To generate statistics and reports on the use of the website (analytical and statistical cookies) 

Consent to the use of cookies and the processing of personal data 

To display targeted advertising on other websites and to transmit it to advertising operators (advertising cookies) 

Consent to the use of cookies and the processing of personal data 

You may object to the processing of personal data on the basis of legitimate interest. If it is justified, we will stop processing personal data for that purpose. However, without the necessary cookies, the website may not function properly. 

You can easily revoke your consent to our use of cookies at any time in the cookie bar and also in your browser settings. 

Registration to Velvet Innovation event 

On website you can register for our events (Velvet Innovation Conference, Velvet Innovation meetups). We cannot register you for the event without the personal data you fill in the registration form. If the event is a paid event, we must also comply with legal obligations. However, we may use your data for other purposes as set out in the table below. 

How we specifically process your personal data when you register for an event Velvet Innovation? 

What do we need personal data for? 

What categories of personal data do we process? 

What entitles us to process personal data? 

How long do we store your personal data? 

To register for the event, including communication with you and possible payment 

identification data, address details, contact details, professional data, information about the contract and its performance, information about the business, payment details 

Necessity for the performance of the contract 

Until 1 month after the performance of the contract, for other purposes we may keep the data longer 

To record attendance at the event (sometimes we have an attendance list at our events) 

identification data, professional data, event information 

Legitimate interest in knowing who was really at the event 

Until 3 years after the end of the event, sometimes we have to keep the attendance record for longer to fulfil legal obligations (e.g., when checking compliance with funding conditions if the event is funded from public budget) 

To comply with legal obligations, particularly in the areas of consumer protection, accounting and taxation 

identification data, address details, identification data of your device, payment details, information about the contract and its performance 

Necessity for compliance with legal obligations 

For the period specified by the relevant legislation, e.g., we keep tax documents for 10 years from the end of the tax period 

To obtain and evaluate your feedback 

identification data, contact details, information about the contract and its performance, information about your satisfaction with the service 

Legitimate interest in improving our services 

Until 6 months after the end of the event 

To receive news about the activities of JIC related to the Velvet Innovation platform and events 

Identification data, contact details, order and event history  

Legitimate interest and customer exemption pursuant to Section 7(3) of Act No. 480/2004 Coll., on certain information society services 

Until 3 years after the last subscription to the event, max. until you unsubscribe from the newsletter 

To include you in a public list of attendees 

Identification data, contact details, professional data 

Consent to the processing 

Until 1 year from the date of the conference 

To publish a photo or a video where you can be identified (by name, profession or other significant information about you) 

Photograph or video footage, identification data 

Consent to the processing of your personal data 

Until you withdraw your consent 

Without the personal data necessary for the performance of a contract with you, we cannot register you to the event and allow you to attend the event. 

You can object to the processing of personal data on the basis of our legitimate interest (obtaining your feedback, etc.). If it is justified (your interest in protecting your privacy outweighs our interests), we will stop processing your personal data. 

You can unsubscribe from receiving the newsletter by clicking on the link in each newsletter. 

You can withdraw your consent to the processing if you gave us such consent. After that, we will stop with processing of your data for that purpose (for example we will delete a photo with you from our website or we will delete information about you from the list of attendees). 

Protection of our rights and interests 

We want to protect our rights and interests, especially when we can resolve disputes together. In these cases, we treat your personal data collected for other purposes as follows: 

What do we need personal data for? 

What categories of personal data do we process? 

What entitles us to process personal data? 

How long do we store your personal data? 

To protect our rights and interests  

Information collected within the cooperation with you 

Legitimate interest in protecting our rights and interests 

For the duration of limitation periods for claims arising from contracts and other legal relationships, normally within 10 years of the end of the cooperation, and in the event of a dispute within 10 years of the end of the dispute 

Camera system 

If you visit our premises or the premises of the event you registered to, we may record your movements around the premises, keep a record of your movements and process your personal data in the following ways: 

What do we need personal data for? 

What categories of personal data do we process? 

What entitles us to process personal data? 

How long do we store your personal data? 

To protect property and persons on our premises through a camera system 

Camera footage including likeness  

Legitimate interest in the protection of property and persons 

72 hours after the recording was made, or for as long as necessary to resolve the suspicious activity 

You can object to the retention of camera footage with your likeness. If justified, we will delete your likeness from the footage. 


We want to keep improving our services. That's why we can make statistics about how you use the service. In this case, we may process your personal data as follows: 

What do we need personal data for? 

What categories of personal data do we process? 

What entitles us to process personal data? 

How long do we store your personal data?? 

To generate statistics and analyses about the use of the service (attendance on an event) in order to improve our services 

identification data, contact details, address details, information about the contract and its performance, professional data, information about the business, order and event history, information about behaviour on the site, identification data of your device 

Legitimate interest in improving our services 

For the duration of the contractual relationship with you, up to a maximum of 1 year after the end of the contract (to evaluate the cooperation) 

You may object to the processing of personal data on the basis of legitimate interest. If it is justified, we will stop processing your personal data. 

Contacting JIC about Velvet Innovation platform  

Via email, phone or contact form you have the opportunity to contact us and ask us what you need - for example about the possibility of presenting your own innovative project or hosting a Velvet Innovation meetup at your company/organisation. But you can also, for example, share interesting news from the innovation ecosystem with us. 

In such case, we process your personal data as follows: 

What do we need personal data for? 

What categories of personal data do we process? 

What entitles us to process personal data? 

How long do we store your personal data? 

To answer your question and any follow-up communication 

Identification data, contact details, profession details, information about the business, project information, content of your communication with us 

Legitimate interest in answering the query 

Until 1 year of the enquiry being answered, or until 1 year of the last communication with us about the relevant enquiry 

You have the right to object to the processing of personal data for this purpose. If your objection is justified, we will stop processing your personal data for this purpose. 


We take photographs and video footage at some events. We use all photographs and video footage for educational and promotional purposes only on a very limited basis, so that we do not mention specific names or identify you in any way and therefore do not process your personal data. By attending our event, you agree that such photographs and video recordings will be used to the extent necessary for educational and promotional purposes. However, you do not need to worry about your photos being misused or used in any way other than the usual way for the aforesaid purposes. 

If you don't want to be in the photos and videos, or you don't want us to publish photos and videos of you, you can always contact the event organizers or contact us to withdraw your consent. 


Depending on the circumstances, your personal data may be disclosed to various parties, most commonly our suppliers. As specific suppliers may change over time, you will only find their categories here. You can request a list of specific suppliers with access to your personal data at any time. 

These persons may have access to your personal data: 

  • founders of JIC who may control the activities of JIC,  

  • web and software operators (of computer systems), 

  • freelance editors who can help us with the preparation of interviews and reports, 

  • lecturers with whom we realize organized events, 

  • persons responsible for sending the newsletter, 

  • external experts who can provide you with professional assistance when using our services, 

  • external accountants and auditors (if they need access to some of your personal data to comply with contractual and legal obligations), 

  • legal and tax advisors who are bound by a statutory duty of confidentiality, 

  • persons providing payment services (online payment portals, banks, etc.) that we need in order for you to be able to pay us conveniently, 

  • the ticket booking Intermediaries we need to make it easy for you to secure a seat at our events,  

  • persons providing marketing and graphic services who can help us with the preparation of marketing campaigns, 

  • public authorities to whom we must or need to disclose your personal data, e.g., administrative authorities controlling the use of public funds, criminal law enforcement authorities, tax authorities, etc. 

It may be the case that one of suppliers is based outside the EU. If someone is to have access to your personal data, we have ensured that they provide appropriate safeguards to ensure that your personal data is secure and that your rights are not restricted


As we process your personal data, you have rights which we would like to inform you about here. You can exercise all your rights with us in any way that suits you. However, it must enable us to verify that you are asking us (to verify your identity). 

For the easiest processing of your request, please exercise your rights by e-mailing 

Information on profiling 

Profiling may occur on our website. This means that we may use the personal data we process about you to put you into certain groups - for example, people who regularly attend business events, etc. These profiles give us a better understanding of who uses our website and services and how they use them, so that we can improve the website and our services. However, profiling will not affect how we provide services to you specifically. If you do not like profiling, you can let us know if you object. 

Right to withdraw your consent 

If we process your personal data based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent. You can easily withdraw your consent by emailing  

If you wish to withdraw your consent to receive newsletters, you can simply unsubscribe from newsletters via a link in the newsletter. 

Right to access 

You have the right to access the personal data we process about you. At the same time, you have the right to be informed about what personal data we process about you, for how long, what the purposes of the processing are, to whom we disclose it and whether we use it for automated decision-making (or how this automated decision-making works). 

We will give you a copy of your personal data free of charge. If you would like more copies, we may charge you the necessary costs. 

Right to rectification 

Have you discovered that we are processing incomplete or incorrect personal data about you? Then you have the right to have the personal data rectified or, if required by the purpose of processing the personal data, completed. 

Right to erasure 

You also have the right to have the personal data we hold about you deleted. For you to request erasure, one of the following reasons must be given: 

  • your personal data is no longer necessary for the purpose for which it was collected or processed; 

  • we process your personal data unlawfully; 

  • you have withdrawn the consent based on which your personal data was processed, and we have no other authority to process your personal data further; 

  • you object to the processing of your personal data which we process based on legitimate interest and unless we can demonstrate that its legitimate interest overrides your right to erasure; 

  • there is some lawful reason that requires the erasure of that personal data. 

Although you may withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data or request that we delete your personal data, we may not always delete your data. Sometimes we are required by law to process your personal data. However, we will then inform you of the grounds on which your personal data cannot be erased. 

Right to restrict the processing  

If you feel that your personal data is inaccurate, you may request that we restrict the processing of your personal data for the time necessary to verify its accuracy and correct it, if necessary.  

You also have this right in the following cases: 

  • the processing of your personal data is unlawful, but you do not wish your personal data to be erased; 

  • we no longer need your personal data for the purpose for which we processed it, but you insist on processing (especially retaining) it for the establishment, exercise, or defence of your legal claims;  

  • you have objected to the processing of your personal data based on our legitimate interest; in this case, we will restrict processing until we have assessed whether our legitimate interest outweighs your right not to have your personal data processed further. 

Right to object to the processing of your personal data based on legitimate interest (service offers, newsletters) or against profiling 

If we process your personal data based on legitimate interest, you have the right to object to this processing. We will assess whether it is in our legitimate interest to process your personal data for that purpose. Or whether your right not to have your personal data processed any longer prevails. 

If your objection is justified, we will stop processing your personal data. 

Right to data portability 

If we process your personal data by automated means based on your consent or necessity for the performance of a contract, you may ask us to provide your personal data in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format. And to pass it on to another data controller of your choice where appropriate. 

Right to complaint 

Do you think that the above rights are insufficient from your point of view? Or that we are violating your rights in any way? You can lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority. In the Czech Republic, you can file a complaint by contacting the Data Protection Authority available via